Activities to do at Sneeuberg
Saddle Up or Cheer Along For It’s Ride The Karoo 100 Miler
We’ve just entered one of our favourite months of the year. The rain is plentiful, and the afternoon summer storms are a photographer’s delight; however, we’re not the only ones who love this time of year in the Karoo.
Top Five Animals to Spot at Sneeuberg Nature Reserve
In 2012 Sneeuberg Nature Reserve and four neighbouring landowners created the Compassberg Protected Environment, comprising about 26 000 hectare, under the auspices of the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency's Stewardship Program. This means the area is protected from excessive development and wildlife has an opportunity to flourish. Here are some of the delightful animals you might encounter during your stay at the reserve.
One with nature: stay at Sneeberg during the coldest months
As the temperate drops and the earth cools below freezing point, we prepare for winter in the Karoo. Icicles become artworks and wrapping oneself in insulated clothing to go for a walk becomes a daily activity. When indoors, reading a good book is the order of the day.
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